Thursday, December 7, 2006

We are paper men!

Good morning! A lot of events have happened in this short week. Of course world-wide, Iraq is going down the slippery mountain. It aint a slippery slope anymore! Rat face Achmadinejad is rattling his sabres and the evil Baker is giving 'helpful' recommendations for Israel to concede more precious land. In my home country, a tornado ripped through North London injured 6 and left many homeless.

In our town, I saw a house on fire! Right next to the shul, while I was davening Shacharit, I heard tons of sirens. At the end, somebody pointed me to the window, and I saw FLAMES. A townhouse engulfed in flames and smoke! It was a miniature 9/11 right in our neighbourhood! The day before that, a driver with a suspended license crashed her BMW SUV into another apartment block rupturing the gas line and causing a major explosion and fire.

On a personal note, 2 very dear friends had to go to the hospital. One was going for a routine checkup, and the doctors found a blocked heart valve. The other one was leaving an exercise group when he experienced huge pains. He had a kidney stone. Baruch Hashem, they are alive and feeling great today.

Why do I say all this? To remind us, including myself -especially- that life is so precious and fragile. We think we are so strong and mighty, that I have all the time in the world!

However we are like paper men. We are so fragile and delicate that even 1 sheet of paper can seriously pain us if we cut ourselves on it. Just one slip of a knife, a sheet of ice on the road, one microscopic bacterium or virus, and we're toast!

And likewise, one minute it's a normal Tuesday, and the next, 9/11!

I especially am guilty of this, and have to refer to this blog thousands of time to push this important message in my thick lazy stubborn mind.

May Hashem have mercy on us, and may Hashem give us strength to understand and internalize these crucial messages and to wake up, grow spiritually and face challenges at our own pace and win!

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