Monday, December 11, 2006

If I forget thee o' Jerusalem....

Good morning. I just cannot believe that the Israeli government are negotiating with the Vatican over Mount Zion again! We are starting to give away our prize jewels, King David's Tomb over to the Church, G-d forbid!

Now I am definately for peaceful negotiations, and brother getting along with brother. However there must be a condition: We behave in a civilized manner and we recognize our territory. I heard one man say "Be master of your territory!" Well the Israeli government (more like junta or oligarchy) is anything but the master of it's territory. In girlish cease-fires, appeasing in a whiny way to America and Europe, and kicking Jews out of their rightful places, the government has no control.

Now comes the big daddy of them all: giving our territory to the Vatican.

Hmm, look the Church has tons of territory. Just go to the Vatican and see all the marvels, all the gold and silver they own! And they come salivating on OUR land, OUR city?

Hmm, how about a UN demand stating that Great Britain must give Westminster Abbey to the French, or America must give the Alamo back to the Mexicans?

Political writing is not one of my talents! And yet, I feel obligated to do my best to defend the honour and glory of our beautiful city, Yerushalayim!

Do anything, give an extra cent or dollar, euro, or yen to charity and say "Im doing this for Yerushalayim." Learn an extra 5 minutes of Torah, say a little prayer of your own words during Shema Koleinu in the Amidah. Reconnect with past rivals, and bury the hatchet! Buy a flower for your spouse. ANYTHING! These are OUR weapons for world peace! Let us bit by bit work on smoothing our rough edges and our characters, and we will be able to greet our Moshiach bimheirah b'yameinu!

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