Monday, December 4, 2006

Dealing with the Shidduch Blues

Yesterday, I should have been in New York City. However I was home. The nice lady said last Thursday on the phone, that after chatting with me, things didnt click, and you know what....

Now I am a complete novice, and I have listened to my Rebbe, Lazer Brody constantly tell me that everything is from Hashem, the good and yes the not so good!

I believe this, and yet the emotions start to kick in. So much that I moaned to a wonderful shadchan for an hour about my fate. Baruch Hashem, she told me to wise up and keep fighting. Ladies and gentlemen, we must have emunah, and we must work on our faith and keep talking to Hashem.

And yet, we have to understand that we are still beginners, and that if we feel bad, that's normal too. In fact perhaps Hashem wants us to go through this bad feeling as a soul correction too. However we must not despair!

As a matter of fact, before I got the phone call, I was walking across the local golf course talking to Hashem saying, "Hashem, if this lady is NOT my basherte, then please have her reject me. HOWEVER, if she is my basherte, then please please may I get married to her as soon as possible and may I establish my family as soon as possible please!" So I got the answer a day later, and my friends, that answer was "NO, SHE IS NOT YOUR BASHERTE! HOWEVER I DECIDED TO SPARE YOU THE TIRCHAH, THE TROUBLE TO SCHLEPP TO NEW YORK AND BACK!"

It was a tough answer! Nobody, especially I love to be rejected. However once the negative feelings pass (and they will pass if you dont dwell on them), then you can start again fresh! Also, I had a wonderfully relaxing Sunday, and knocked lots of errands off my To Do List!

1. Keep talking to Hashem daily, as much as you can do!
2. If you experience bad feelings, it's normal. Just walk through them, like you walk through a rainy day, and dont pay attention to those feelings. It's also a tikkun too!
3. Find somebody (A rabbi, rebbe, therapist, shadchan, relative, friend) that you can confide in, and express your feelings to him.
4. Learn some Torah, or read some inspiring stuff.
5. Listen to some kosher comedy to make you laugh!

Keep on trucking!