Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Beware of Commercials!

Good afternoon! I was walking from my synagogue to the Metro station. One of the shops I casually pass by is the local LA Weight Loss clinic. They have the usual photos of smiling people telling the world, "I lost 20 lbs in 2 months!"

Well, that Monday morning, I saw something that made me freeze in my tracks, and make my teeth set on edge in disgust! There was the usual picture of a happy fit person, that wasnt the kicker though. The thing that got me was this caption:

"Give yourself the gift that will make your friends say 'I hate you'"

Ladies and gentlemen, what is happening here? Is it worth losing weight so that you can make your beloved cherished friends jealous of you? I am all for weight loss and health, we all need to lose some weight now and there. I was caught up in this trend too many times, and still ache for a nice six pack of abs!

However, as a Jew, I know there are far more important values than having a nice sexy body. Wouldnt it be nicer for the clinic to say "Give yourself the gift that will make your friends say 'I am proud of you!'" or "Give yourself the gift to teach your friends good health by following your sterling example"

Having a good friend is a fantastic thing! We must not let Western society and the media confuse us by focusing on fleeting things. Keep healthy, exercise and lose the pounds, however dont forget to keep learning Torah, and improving your character. Then you will be a real winner!


Rabbi Joshua Maroof said...

Excellent post, very well said. Our society is too obsessed with competition, and we don't even compete over things of real value.

Robert said...

Thank you Rabbi! I was so upset, I actually went into the shop to complain. The woman said "Excuse me, I have a client I need to take care of."

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