Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Good evening!

After spending countless hours reading fantastic blogs on the Web, I have decided that now is the time to get into the blogosphere myself.

I am 38, and working hard to serve Hashem the best way I can. One of the biggest challenges in this world is to keep your mind composed and focused. Thank G-d we have Rabbi Lazer Brody who is probably one of the Web's greatest masters in emunah training.

Before I close my first post, I want to talk about the difficult subject of when is one ready to make Aliyah? I have just come back from an inspiring Nefesh b'Nefesh seminar, and I am feeling gung-ho about leaving the good olde USA behind.

However, I have to make sure I am ready for this big move. We have the obstacles of giving up my day job, moving to a new environment, and just being uprooted.

However I believe Moshiach is on his way, and things are getting a little less safe in the US

Fortunately, Rabbi Brody, the master of Emunah, put it very clearly. He said "First build your emunah and ruchniut, and then find a good wife. Once those two are taken care of, then focus on Aliyah."

As important as living in Israel is, however we have to take care of our Emunah, Torah, and shidduch needs. Then we have a solid base on which we can build a new life in the Holy Land of Eretz Yisrael!

I look forward to meeting you!

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