Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Hashem The Ultimate Grandmaster and Strategist

US, do not mess with Israel!

You keep sending money to the rogue Palestinian yobbo state of hooligans?
You keep telling us to give up our precious land and settlements?
Well you got our Tattie in Heaven rather disappointed in you, and this buddy has now happened to you:

"Israeli industries are benefiting in the wake of the increasingly destructive weather patterns striking coastal areas of the United States, offering hurricane protection and fresh citrus.

Israeli citrus farmers have benefited from the wave of freezing cold weather that struck California recently, destroying 70 percent of its citrus fruit."

Click here for more exciting info!

Now as I explained in my earlier post, I have the power to choose good or bad. However whatever I do, Hashem will always win! He thinks trillions of moves ahead of us! He is the Ultimate Grandmaster and Strategist!

So never give up hope! Keep strong emunah (faith) and we'll come out the Ultimate Winners and Beneficiaries! AMEN!

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