Sunday, November 26, 2006

Something on Anger...Grrrr!

Aah, anger! One of the most difficult middot we need and must need to work on!
I have mentioned that anger will be discussed, so here we go. It is a big subject so I will most likely be posting this in installments.

OK, let's start with the things that get us angry. These are my Top Peeves:

1. People blocking the fast lane on the highway
2. Crowded check out lines
3. The computer acting up, freezing, or not installing my new software

I have to be so stupid! Giving up my eternity, my portion in Olam HaBa for these silly little incidents! Why cant I just grow up, smile, and glide through the INCONVENIENCE like nothing? What's going on here?

I am not a Rav or a Mekubal. However I can present to you tasty tidbits from good Rabbanim that I have learnt from. Basically we are put here to improve our souls. If I had a certain desire for women in a past life, then Hashem will arrange my life so that I will have to work on this desire, whether I like it or not. I dont know my past life, however I believe I was a loose cannon! This created a big blemish on my beautiful neshamah, that I have to fix now, while I am still alive, NOW!

It is this blemish that is making anger control a challenge for me! The only way to fix the blemish is to face the music, and keep cool.

The good news for people like me is that the more you work on overcoming a bad middah, the easier it will get in the future. It's just like bodybuilding. You start bench press weenie little 10lb dumbbells, then graduate to 15,20,30,40...until 2 years later, there you are with 2 very beefy 100lb dumbbells grinding out 10 bench presses!

The same with NeshamaBuilding! You first stand there sweat oozing, teeth clenched, thinking egregious thoughts, BUT you keep shtum! You are silently seething in rage, but you dont vent out! Big start....then you steam a little less, then you are annoyed, then mildly disappointed, then hmmm....2 years later, you are singing and dancing your ways through the checkout lines, singing to Hashem in the traffic jam (and you're in a hurry too) and praising His Holy Name as you get insulted by your boss.

Please do not expect instant muscle building, this baby will take some time, but please invest your energy into overcoming anger! You can do it, and may Hashem bless your every move in this noble path!

This is one answer to my blog title. What am I here for anyway?

I also plan to give some more help on other areas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the article about the angry is very interesting,click for more details on the link
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