Tuesday, February 6, 2007

You need engines and flaps to fly a jet plane brother!

Hello people,

Why is it so important to do personal prayer? Why do I have to take about 15-60 mins of my precious time and go into a field or park and speak to Hashem? Do I not do this during Shacharit, Mincha, and Ma'ariv (Arvit) in a minyan? Also people are going to see me as ridiculous?

Well Rebbe Lazer Brody gives excellent answers in his CD's and blog. However I can give you a parable. Suppose you have a big jumbo jet, you need the big Rolls Royce or Pratt and Whitney engines to get that big beast airborne. However without flaps you aint gonna get anywhere brother!

The Anshei Knesset HaGedola (Men of the Great Assembly) created the traditional prayer service at the start of the 2nd Temple period. There are no prayers more potent and powerful than those. They are the engine, the fuel to get us airborne and flying.

However I need a direction, I need to know my goals, what I really want in life, and how to ask Hashem what I specifically need. Plus there are things on my mind I need to vent out. INstead of hurting other people, and transgressing laws of loshon hora, hurtful words, and the like --- say the same stuff to Hashem instead. Personal prayer is the flaps, the rudder, and ailerons that direct the aeroplane to it's correct destination.

In conclusion, you need the jet engines of Jewish Tradition and the community, and you need goals and personal prayer to steer you in the correct direction that Hashem wants you to go.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Dont worry America. Israel is behind you!

From Arutz 7 (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/news.php3?id=120700)
Israeli Security Firm to Outfit Surveillance at D.C. Airport
11:47 Feb 01, '07 / 13 Shevat 5767
by Ezra HaLevi

An Israeli security company based in Ra’anana has been chosen to outfit Washington D.C.’s airport with digital surveillance systems, Israel21c reports.

NICE Systems was selected by the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA) to supply the company’s NiceVision Digital Video Surveillance Solution as part of a Closed Circuit TV core systems upgrade at the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.

"Because NICE has been providing security surveillance systems for airports around the world for years, they allow us to meet these challenges and provide our client with the best suited digital video technologies available," said Gunvir Baveja, President and CEO of eVigilant, system integrators for Reagan National Airport.

The planned security upgrade will involve the decommissioning and removal of existing video servers and recording systems currently maintained in the airport operations computer room and its replacement with NICE’s high-resolution digital video recorders.

The NiceVision Digital Video Surveillance Solution is capable of sustaining numerous cameras while providing the infrastructure and integration potential to support video content applications. This means threats can be identified and tracked as images are analyzed in real-time.